
Sam Houston Johnson, sister Rebekah and her husband Babbitt talk on the couch. Rebekah Baines Johnson (LBJ’s mother) and Oriole(?) pose. Rebekah Baines Johnson poses with her grandchildren: Lynda, Becky Alexander, Philip, and Rodney. The ranch foreman’s wife and baby, Cousin Corky Cox, and Sarah pose. Aunt Kitty, sister Rebekah and Babbitt pose. LBJ talks with and kisses Rebekah Baines Johnson. Sister Lucia joins LBJ and Rebekah Baines Johnson. LBJ, Rebekah Baines Johnson, and sister Rebekah pose. They pose for a family portrait: LBJ, Lady Bird, Rebekah Baines Johnson, Sam Houston Johnson, sister Rebekah, and Lucia. Luci poses with Ava Johnson Cox, who taught both Lynda and Luci at Johnson City, and Corky Cox. The whole family poses for a portrait. LBJ and family eat Christmas dinner.

***end of film***
